Arkham Noir – case #3
Infinite Gulfs of Darkness

Arkham Noir is a solitaire card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H.P. Lovecraft and other authors, re-imagined as noir detective stories. Each case stands alone. Gameplay consists of adding cards to open cases, creating lines of investigation, in an effort to solve them. The ultimate goal is to score five “puzzle” Clue cards in order to piece together the Big Picture, before running out of time or mental stability. Incarnez le détective privé Howard Lovecraft et enquêtez sur les événements inspirés des histoires suivantes : "From Beyond" (1920), "Nyarlathotep" (1920), "The Dweller in the Dark" (1935) et "The Shadow that fled from the Spire" de Robert Bloch (1950).

30mn mins

From 1 players and up to 1

From 14
years old